
K.W.C. Match 6

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Literature Text


Match 5: Gamera vs. Biollante

Thousands of years ago, The Atlantis possessed technology that no other civilization on Earth could match.

To boast their scientific power, they created the Gyaos, to eliminate pollution caused by their ignorance. However, with the extreme abundance of pollution, the Gyaos grew stronger and started breeding so fast, scientists couldn't keep them under control. The Gyaos began feasting on the Atlantians. For protection, an enormous species of turtle called Gamera was created to defeat the Gyaos. The demons were eventually halted, and the creatures were forced into hibernation. Despite their best efforts, Atlantis was ruined. So, the scientists preserved the last remaining Gameras and bequeathed them to the next civilization, so that they might protect them from the fury of the Gyaos, should they ever rise again...

After the havoc caused by Zilla in the late-1990's in N.Y. Japan sought to protect themselves in case the original beast were to return... using cell recover from the skeleton in Kiryu the samples were studied.

In the late year 2000; one of these scientists wished only to combine the genetic material with various species of plants, in order to turn the wasteland of Saradia into fruitful plains of genetically perfected grain. Unfortunately, other nations would not approve of this, so the lab was bombed. This act of terrorism had claimed his only child's life. The scientist, driven by the death of his daughter, sought to create an immortal organism. Only he did not expect his daughter’s spirit to inhabit its core. The next day, onlookers would witness the fanged rose tower above the clear waters, baring its teeth and swamping her grounds with gnawing vines and the battle of this beast called Biollante with another guardian.

In a lonely island three man-eating harpies, who were later identified as the Gyaos, were uncovered. Six months ago, one battle with Rodan in Tokyo in the early 2000. However, three of them escaped and one of them flew toward Lake Ashino, where a ball of fire suddenly burst from the dark skies and knocked it out of the sky.

The waters around Lake Ashino, dabbles of sunlight bathed the forest where the roasted Gyaos fell.

But now, the arrival of the beast stirred Biollante from her slumber. The Gyaos’s skeleton was all that remained, but her eyes captured the arrival of Gamera, the Guardian of the Universe!

A low grumbling escaped Gamera’s throat, signaling regret.

As its eyelids pulled up to reveal its pupil-less eyes, Biollante stared at the turtle.
Gamera’s senses alerted him of the imminent danger. Determined to avoid a catastrophe, Gamera used his jet propelled power to resume his hunt of whatever Gyaos remained on Earth. Strong gusts of wind flattened the nearby trees, propelling the noble creature. But a vines shot out of the ground and entangled the Gamera’s ankle. Not even the Gamera could break free from its tight grip.

With a loud, ear-shattering wail, Gamera fell to the ground, his back shell slamming into the ground and caused the soil to defy gravity by rising into the air. A large imprint of Gamera's body will forever be imprinted in the forest floor.

The shrieking turtle expressed its aggravation. Plasma enriched the Gamera’s exposed mouth and unleashed a Plasma fireball. It instantly charred the vine and burned a hole in the ground. The slivered vine slithered back beneath the soil.

Biollante’s jaws widened, exerting a howling cry of pain. Green spit leaked from her snout.

As the tentacles swayed back and forth, few underwent a transformation from mandibles to tentacle tips. Gamera watched on as a chorus of shrieks emanated from the beastly tentacles.

The energy coursed through Biollante’s veins, preparing her for battle. Biollante widened her jaws. Gamera glanced into her mouth, as an emerald residue secreted out of her maw, evading it just in time as the toxic secretion melted the trees below and affectively evaporating water.

Gamera has never seen anything like this.

Thorny tendrils slithered out of the ground, instructed to seize the Gamera but he perceived Biollante’s actions and utilized his superior maneuverability. Gamera out ran the thorny tendrils and retaliated. A Plasma fireball projected out of Gamera’s mouth, searing the tentacles. As the burning blood of the tendrils scalded the forest, Gamera moved to strike Biollante.

Biollante, not wanting to take another hit form the burning fire shot by turtle lashes out with her spiked tendrils, seeking to take him out of the sky.

Gamera, seeing Biollante's tendrils approaching, fire plasma in relentless barrage of fire.

But then he feels a burning, stabbing pain bursts though his right wing. As he turns his head to see what has happened, he is violently tugged out of the sky as Biollante viciously pulls her tendril in. Gamera crashes into the ground and as he lifts his head, he looks over at the spot where he felt the stabbing pain. With a groan of despair, he realizes that the earth goddess has torn a hole in his right arm.

Yet, he doesn't completely lose hope.Regaining his footing, Gamera rises and turns to face the earth goddess.

Biollante howled in contempt, halting the Gamera’s advance. The sight of the giant mouth made Gamera stirred and turn left form it course. Biollante lashed out attacking with her vines in whip-like position.

Gamera defied Biollante by sending its plasma fireball straight into her core. Biollante wailed in pain as the fire hit her body, shredding her core. Green blood seeped out of Biollante’s wounds, but her cellular makeup instantly regenerated the damage.

Gamera screeched in frustration. Biollante yearned for Gamera’s death. Upon her command, dozens of tendrils ruptured the moist soil. They scourged the air, searching for the Gamera, he flew hundreds of feet above the trees, yet the tendrils reached his airspace. The tendrils harpooned their sharp edges into the Gamera’s flesh. It easily punctured the scaly exterior, forcing his emerald blood to ooze.

But the Gamera was persistent in escaping. He fought the pain that wracked it so and broke free of the tendril’s clutches, sacrificing chunks of his flesh in the process. Gamera turned, unleashing his plasma fireballs. But the tendrils had returned to the depths of the earth. Gamera’s mind, change it to ignore the branches of its foe, and attack its base.

Biollante’s inhuman eyes predicted Gamera’s intentions. Her tentacles, each possessing their own, hid among the foliage. Biollante patiently waited for her foe. Gamera swooped down from the sky and pulled up, granting her the chance to clamp his talons down upon Biollante’s jaws.

Gamera’s talons pierced Biollante’s skin, avoiding her mouth. Biollante tried to shake the turtle loose by wobbling her head, but the turtle could not be deterred. Biollante summoned her tentacles and slashed the air, hurtling their mandibles into Gamera’s flesh. Her spear like tendrils crucified the Gamera’s shell, rupturing its layers of bone with the utmost ease. Gamera’s pain echo in the surroundings.

As the tentacles bit Gamera harder, acid spewed out of their gruesome mouths, almost dissolving Gamera’s shell.

Biollante lurched forward, and prepared to ram him attacker into the ground but Gamera jet out of there, scorching Biollante’s abdomen in his fiery wake of impulse. Biollante’s flesh was thick enough to withstand conventional weaponry, yet Gamera’s weapon pierced it as if it were tissue paper.

Without her vines to protect her, Biollante was forced to lift her massive head off the ground. Biollante’s echoing roar informed Gamera that the massive beast was attempting the same strategy as before.

As a testament of Gamera’s terrifying attack, gouts of blood gurgled out of Biollante’s wounds. Biollante’s howling cries made even the trees shudder. In retaliation, a lone tendril bolted at the Gamera’s shoulder, and emerged out the other side. Biollante’s single tendril had pierced the Gamera’s arm!

The pain prevented it from concentrating plasma to defend himself. Biollante took advantage of her foe’s state of shock. A swarm of thorny vines emerged from the earth, ensnaring the wounded Gamera.

Realizing her foe could not escape, emerald energies pulsated out of her core, focusing on Biollante’s throat. Biollante widened her maw, pledging her desire to swallow Gamera.

Gamera tried fighting their crushing embrace, but it could not. But Gamera absorbed the raging fire of teh burning forest and attacked! He destroyed the tendrils base with a single massive fireball. Biollante roars out in pain and sends another swarm of tendrils after the turtle as he retreats the sky. Her tendrils emerge from the ground, clamping their jaws onto Gamera’s legs. Biollante gives a purr of pleasure as Gamera is dragged to the ground and hauled back towards her.

Gamera, deciding to take the offensive, takes to the air and yanks free of the choking tendrils the earth goddess tried to bind him with. Turning, he flies back towards Biollante, roaring in anger. Then, he opens his mouth and fires his Plasma fireball at his opponent. The bolt of fire rakes her across the top of her enormous alligator like head, searing the scaly leaves.

Biollante snarls in pain, but otherwise does not seem to be adversely affected by the attack. Confused Gamera fires another fireball. The fireball rakes across Biollante's body, but once again, fails to have any discernable impact on her.

Biollante, seeing the turtle begins to advance on her. More tendrils emerge from the earth. Gamera responds to the attack by firing his plasma fireballs at the vines, severing them. Yet, Biollante refuses to let him escape, and continues to send more vines.

Gamera, surrounded on all sides by the vines, and seeing Biollante advancing, decides to try and play his trump card.

Fire erupted from Gamera's maw and crashed into the surrounding environment. The entire forest went up in flames, devastated by the force each fireball packed. The area Gamera fired upon was now engulfed by a sea of fire. Biollante acknowledged the flames, allowing her body to feel the warmth it provided, but the destruction of her sanctuary only managed to pissed her off.

Biollante deemed Gamera a desperate adversary, feeling the custodian's aim was lousy. Earth goddess was standing right in front of him, yet Gamera still miss.

Flames devoured entire trees, burning everything in its path. The animals that had the privilege of surviving paid heed to the destruction. The horrible cries of Biollante pervaded across the torn and battered forest.

Then, when the tempest is almost within striking range, she vomits forth a stream of her own acidic blood. Directing the stream fire into the acidic attack, Gamera gain a bit more time. When she comes within reach, she lowers her jaw and bites down on Gamera’s arm.

Looking to make his opponent retreat so he can use his strategy, he dug his claws into Biollante’s eyes and pulled one of the out. . Screaming out in pain, Biollante begins to retreats once again.

Refusing to allow the turtle beast to escape, Biollante decides to land the finishing blow.

But... what atrocities does Gamera attempt to achieve?

The question was answered.

Something mysterious began to occur, however. The fire began to twist and converge into the center of the explosion. Absorbing all of the flames, Gamera flashed brightly and roared as he fired a single massive fireball, which destroyed the core of his colossal foe.

She writhed in agony as destructive fire flayed her body, destroying her tendrils. Smoke escaped Biollante’s flesh. She roared, focusing her unearthly eyes on Gamera, then her benign spirit was usurped by the beast within. She could not control her fury anymore. Acid poured out of her mouth, dissolving fields of trees in an instant. Her efforts were futile. No matter how hard she sprayed, her acid could not reach Gamera.

The human spirit within her connected with Gamera’s conscious, deciphering its past. Eons ago, an advanced civilization sought to create the perfect organism. But their perfect creation became the ideal killing machine. It did not need a mate to produce others like itself. An ancient civilization was erased over night. Gamera was the defender created for the sole purpose of eradicating the Gyaos and other vile creatures like it, but its existence came too late.

Seeing that like her he was a Guardian who only wanted the greater good, it was unfortunate that they could not have worked together to protect this world. In her last breath of life she lashed a tentacle into Gamera head holding it, at the she loaded in his mind vision of her past as a human, her intentions a protector and the knowledge of a terrible creature that was responsible for her existence… one she had sworn to eliminate.

Flashes of light and green energies slithered out of Biollante’s core, trying to heal the damages done. But her cells were to damaged. Slowly, Biollante’s flesh dissolved off its spores.

It was a beautiful, yet sad light spectacle.

Her bones and entrails were exposed now. A cloud of glowing spores obscured her damaged figure. To escape death, Biollante returned to her primitive state, where spirit and nature alike thrived. Gamera watched in silence as millions of spores ascended to the heavens.

Guilt entered Gamera’s heart he had caused the death of e monster who shared the same intentions as he did just because a misunderstanding. Gamera dug his own claws into his palms in anger and sorrow. Behind him a Gyaos that was attracted by the battle and the spores of the fallen goddess sought to attack Gamera from behind.

Gameras hatred was unleashed he turned and destroyed the Gyaos in a single assault of unearthly proportions.

Despite his victory against his sworn enemy, Gamera was grieving what he had done, in a moment of determination he decided to continue his search for the last Gyaos and the beast the Biollante warned him.

With an unwanted victory, Gamera’s mouth parted, issuing a roar of hatred and warning.

Torrents of smoke blew out of his leg sockets, masking his feet. Light replaced the legs and propelled Gamera into the sky, leaving a trail of white smoke. With one final roar, Gamera chased after the horizon, seeking other creatures committing horrendous acts.
Combatant Statistics

Gamera by  sarcophagus6

Height: 60 meters
Mass: 300 tons
Flight at Mach 3.5 using rockets contained in limbs
Can fire Plasma fireballs
Retractable elbow claws
Can open plates in his chest and fire a Mana Blast
Can swim at 180 knots; burrowing ability
Able to absorb and manipulate fire to use it in one devastating attack, or to heal its body.


Biollante looks like the Uchusen art concept(…)

Height: 135 meters
Mass: 1600 tons
Able to shoot a radioactive sap spray from its mouth
Choking vines that can spit a radioactive sap spray
Mouth inlined with teeth
Spear like tendrils that can creates mandibules ta the tip.
Super regenerative power
Able to change into glowing spores to travel in the sky or space
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