
Heat Rising

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text



Sleeping in the deep, black, waters of Hong Kong bay, a few stray ancient micro organisms dwelled. Living since the dawn of time, the crustaceans lied in the fallen sediment.

However, because of mankind's ignorance, they were awoken into one of the most dangerous creatures the world has ever known. If any weapon could be worse than the atomic bomb, or a mutant monster, then this would be it. A product of man's ill-used intelligence, the Oxygen-Degrading-Compound is a substance that splits oxygen atoms into a fluid and then disintegrates the molecules; it is the ultimate destroyer of all life.

An accidental explosion cause a leakage in the containment units that made the compound going into the sea outside, which would seep into a pond where it eventually created deadly creatures that went through a series of mutations and grew in numbers which would wreak havoc on the surrounding settlements in search for Oxygen material to feed on.

Mutating the colony by the Oxygen-Degrading-Compound, the creatures moved into the mainland, traveling though the pipes that led into the sea. Precious days ticked by as they began to congest, and grow in strength and numbers, destroying every molecule of oxygen in living tissue, and absorbing it into their growing mass.

The microscopic monsters developed, and attacked a small complex of buildings, and melted an elevator. When a soil sample was taken, one or more of the creatures were picked up with, and after being read on scanners.

Inside the old and rather run-down building sat a single man. He looked young, barely in his mid-thirties, Nick Tatopoulos, biologist, in charge of team H.E.A.T., and the most unusual parent in the world. He was the father of a creature that had adopted him as such.

The Staten Island building was empty of all other life, except for Nick and Audrey, and he was actually glad for it. This was their day off, and he had decided to catch up on some really necessary work, his wife Audrey Tatopoulos. Who is now almost one month pregnant and every now and then feeling the baby moving.

But… Who knew when the next monster would pop up?

Nick smiled as he stretched and gazed at the completed works of a whole morning without interruption. Files were in neat order, pictures attached, references marked, samples sorted. He had even managed to cross-reference each report to the “monster files”, as Randy called them. The completed work of what mutations they had encountered and studied.

He sighed and shook his head. Sometimes he wished he could have stayed with his earth worms. They, at least, didn't wreak havoc or tried to eat him.

“Coffee?”-asked Audrey as she approached with a cup of coffee.  

The thought sounded appealing. Nick picked coffee his wife gave and smile at her before taking a sip. As the black liquid dripped, Nick grab Audrey form the hand and they went over to the roof and looked outside as they hold together, eyes traveling over the silent waters.

Then the phone rang inside and Nick put his cup pf coffee down to see what is was. A call from Hong Kong was asking HEAT to help them with a monster problem.

“Will be right there”-said Nick over the phone before he hung up.

“I’m going to”-said Audrey sure of herself.

“Audrey you know you can risk yourself in your state”-said Nick as he put his arms on her shoulders.

“I’ll watch from the distance and besides this can become the news that will help me get my job back.”-she said as she holds Nicks face close to her.

Nick twisted his mouth thinking before he agreed-“Alright… But remember, from the distance and it has to be a big one”

“OK”-she said as they finally come to an agreement.

Nick picked up the phone and summoned all of HEAT team to come and deal with this monster.

HEAT arrived at Hong Kong, a city that has a population of 6.9 million people, and is one of the most populated areas in the world, and began asking every question they could come up with to determine what it was. A few hours passed when he approached Chief Executive and the Council to reveal his findings.

“What have you found out?” The Chief Executive asked.

“We have done everything we knew of but to tell you the truth he have not found any evidence of any mutation or even radiation in the area” The biologist replied.

“Do you think that it may have come from outer space?”-A council member asked.

“No I am certain that it did not come from space”-Nick said-“the entry into our atmosphere would have completely melted whatever it is.”-The biologist replied.

“So if you can not tell us what it is or where it came from who can?”-Another council asked.

“Were doing very thing we can sir”-said Audrey with straight voice.

“And who is this?-A third council member asked.

“That would be my wife and she is right”-said Nick

After a short discussion the Chief Executive and Council agreed to let H.E.A.T. take e care of the matter as best as they could. Nick’s team went to the lab were the Oxygen-Degrading-Compound was developed following the hint that the creatures originated there.

“What do you have?”-Nick asked to Randy.

“Well a lab is here and it deals with compounds, and as far as I know there was an accident seven day ago, so this were the freaks must have originated”-said Randy with his usual confidence

“So you are saying that this is some creature’s went through cell transformation due to pollution and not Radiation?”-Nick asked.

“Exactly!”-Randy replied.

Nick knocked on the door and was met by Akihiko Hirata, the creator of the Oxygen-Degrading-Compound.

“Doctor Niko Tatopoulos, what do I own the pleasure?”-asked Hirata

“You could start by telling me more about your work and the accident that happened tow days ago… Oh and the little monsters that were created by it”

“Well I don’t know anything about no monsters, but if your curiosity is so big for so many questions, the Oxygen-Degrading-Compound was design for chemical war-fare to wipe out an army or mutant monster in a single spray of the compound, it splits oxygen atoms into a fluid and then disintegrates the molecules, causing living creatures to die of asphyxiation as their remains are liquefied, If any weapon could be worse than the atomic bomb, then this would be it”- Hirata said.

“ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!”-asked Mendel with horror on his face.

“It’s the ultimate weapon, except that it breaks on water due to due over whelming presences of Hydrogen in proportion to Oxygen and doesn’t work on surfaces that are at least 150 degrees Celsius, not to mention the effect wears of quickly”- Hirata said.

“I came to find a monster, and I found another. You’re crazy if you think I’m going to let you continued with that project”-Said Nick willing to stop the man who considers himself the savior, but to hi he is more like the “Harbinger of Death”

"Humans are weak animals"- Hirata argues-“a weapon of this power can kill all monsters in a single strike, and think of the military applications, money will rain as they come looking for this work of a god”- said Hirata.

“Oh… that’s just great, he thinks he is a god”-said Elsie

“If the Oxygen-Degrading-Compound is used even once, politicians from around the world will see it. Of course they'll use it as a weapon. Bombs vs. bombs, missiles vs. missiles, monsters vs. monsters and now you got a new super weapon to throw upon us all. As a scientist I cannot allow that to happen” -Nick says

“Well if the war in the world stops and they are no more monsters to ravage our world then I’ll start making baby food”-said Hirata mocking the intelligence of the team.

Suddenly, the proximity alarm of the facility sound of, and it was swarm of 1 mm long crabs were approaching like stain of blood on the water. As the Lab scientist and HEAT tried to escape they found the entrance blocked as the little monsters were advancing inside, spiting their very own Oxygen-Degrading-Compound, corroding metal. If the reach the humans this would be there doom.

Suddenly there was a sensation rumbling the ground.

A massive head appeared from the water and a reptilian head gaze fixed on this place. The sensation came from him. Godzilla had felt his parent presence, though not all was well. He was constantly aware of him. Sometimes, the presence grew painfully sharp and that was the time Godzilla knew his parent was in trouble.

Now the sensation was almost like the distress. Bursting of the water Godzilla set his gaze on the little freaks that were created by the Oxygen-Degrading-Compound and how they were about to harmed his parents and release a burst stream off destruction with his atomic blast.

“Whoo-hoo, G-man always on time”-Screamed Randy.

“GO! GO! GO!!!”-screamed Nick as he lead his team and the scientist away.

As the little crabs advance to Godzilla, some of them go through a pipe without anybody knowing.

An orb of atomic energy formed in the jaws of Godzilla, his spines flashed with a blinding aura, intensifying every second. Throwing his head forward, Godzilla unleashed an atomic beam, which circulated out of his mouth and lanced the Lab eradicating all crabs in sight. The blast stroked the lab causing it to explode and release a burst of radiation that reach Godzilla but faded in nearby distance, the lab and all of the equipment was destroyed. Including all knowledge and information about the Oxygen-Degrading-Compound was lost.

Godzilla let roar of triumph and returned to the dept of the waters. but as he dove in, something was not right, the water began to release steam around Godzilla as if something very hot had enter the water.

The smoke churned and cleared from the ruins of the destroyed lab. Just minutes ago it has now been reduced to nothing but rubble. The sound of crashing waves grows louder, almost too deafening points.

“MY LAB, MY WORK!!!”-Screamed Hirata as he saw his so-called ultimate weapon destroyed by another form of the same.

“Consider that monsters are still the ultimate weapon to protect the world”-said Nick-“Especially if they are part of the family”-continued Audrey happy to see that there really is story here for her.

After that HEAT retreated back to the HEAT Seeker having thought to have destroyed the menaces.

In the lower backwoods of Victoria Harbor, a fisherman shoves the lively worm through the cold steel hook.

“Going to catch me something big tonight, hehe,"-says the fisherman. He throws his fishing pole. The old man watches the dark water, and then looks up into the dark summer night sky. Around the harbor, the water begins to turn; the old man looks around with wide eyes.

"What's going on?"-he says.

Waters begin to rock the boat up, more fiercely then they were before. The boat tilts off to the side once again, and the fisherman clings on to the small boat.

From the water, schools fish of skeletons emerged. Not a single soul witnessed the travesty that befell these poor animals. If any had, then they too would’ve died. Crimson eyes floated within the dark waters, listening to the monstrous wails.

Collecting their strength, the crustacean creatures combined their cellular-mass to create larger, man-sized, forms. This new shape allowed them race to travel still further inland, and gave them a new ability to feed.

After evolving, the legion of Destroyers made their way to a large warehouse. Reports of the monsters grew and Special Forces were sent in to kill the creatures, but bullets proved useless against them. Nothing seemed to kill the monsters, as the soldiers fell by the dozen. Streams of Oxygen-Degrading-Compound killed several in one shot, and the army was called into action.

Surrounding the infested building, the Chinese military thought they could eliminate the creatures. They could never be more wrong.

Lashing out with claws and spiked undersides, the creatures torn the men apart, shredding their flesh like paper. Yet those who did not die at their talons, died from their explosive Oxygen-Degrading-Compound spray, as the acid-like compound touched flesh, completely incinerating all matter of oxygen in any solid object.

The Chinese military was almost out of options before they finally deployed their flamethrowers, quickly sending the armored monsters into hiding.

Inside of the HEAT Seeker, Audrey was getting ready to interview Nick so she could recover her job as a TV journalist and win money for when their baby is born.  Using the panoramic view of northern Hong Kong Island as a back ground Audrey stared the interview, while Animal recorded.

Randy had offer to replace Animal as Audrey’s cameraman while she gets her job back something, he was happy to do for his boss’s wife.

“Dr. Niko Tatopoulos, Can you shed any light on the so called monster sittings right here in Hong Kong”-she began.

“We believe that the failed experiment on lab working on some unknown chemical compounds mutated some crabs into creatures that could secrete a compound capable of degrading matter with oxygen in their molecular structure”-he said-“but thanks to Godzilla the threat has been destroyed”

During that night the object began to give off an eerie wail and began once again to grow in size. It was an odd looking type of creature it had legs are like sharp spears, capable of impaling if they land on a living thing, its body was slender with a redish color, the chest area and underside had an orangeish coloring, the face like that of a demon, and a crest that rose up from each of its shoulders. The creature then began to crawl on the HEAT Seeker.

“Nick there have been more monsters sitting, on the bay… big ones this time”-cried Elsie by an open window.

"What...?"-was all the Biologist managed to cried before the boat began to move and shake.

Suddenly a creature rose up on wobbly legs and took on a bipedal stance as it looked about trying to establish its whereabouts. The creature then began to move. Until it found a bay door that led out to the dark streets of Hong Kong Island. The bizarre creature moved through the cities streets, as the creature was getting larger by second as it fed on anything organic. After that more and more monsters begin to appear on the island

Destroyers in juvenile forms begin to swarm the HEAT Seeker. The creatures begin to claw, bite and sting as the team managed to get inside. The monsters stared to claw the windows open and one of them shredded the steel and pocked inside were Audrey was.

“Get away from her”-screamed Nick as he attacked the monster with fire extinguisher allowing Audrey to move. When the artic mist clears the monsters broke down into micro dust.

“Talk about a cold wave”-said Randy impressed with the monsters weakness.

More and more Destroyers heads began to poke inside; Nick tried to use the fire extinguisher, but it was empty.

“Don’t we have any thing else to use as a clod weapon?!”-screamed Nick.

“How about the refrigerator?”-asked Mendel.

“We need it now”-said Nick in desperation.

The monsters were gathering their breath to exhale a stream of Oxygen-Degrading-Compound, when Monique gave Nick a flame tower that proved to be more effective.

As the fire touched the monsters the seemed to be consumed by the fire as if their body was filled with oxygen that fed the fire into a fireball of hell-proportions. Seeing this Nick went a Rambo-like killing spree blasting fire into the monsters oblivion.

“Not something you everyday”-Randy said

“Monster fleeing from a human?”-asked Monique.

“That and Nick going Rambo”-he said

After that Elsie picked up a piece of one of the monsters that was blown off and examined it.

“What have you found out about our little fiend?”-Nick asked.

“I have done every test, but to tell you the truth it is not a possible for a cell to have this kind of cellular division and be so much filled with oxygen without any apparent oxidation”-The redheaded biologist replied.

“So that’s why fire was so deadly, for them. Fires start when a flammable or a combustible material with an adequate supply of oxygen is subjected to enough HEAT and is able to sustain a chain reaction. Add more of one and the flames go into enormous proportions”-Said Mendel

“Like the enormous amount of Oxygen in their cells?”-asked Audrey.

“But does not explain how it reacted to the cold of the fire extinguisher”-claimed Monique.

“Maybe extreme low temperatures renders cells inert”-though Nick.

“So extreme temperatures are our best weapons”-Elsie said.

“Kraven, call Godzilla, his and Komodosaurus’s atomic breath are our best choice”-Said Nick as the decided to call the Chief Executive and the military and notified them about the monsters weakness.

Losing their battle against Chinese Defense Force and HEAT, the Destroyers colony needed a new form. Towering over some of the city buildings, another form of Destroyer was born. Barely resembling the previous form, a pair of long pincers and spiked arms, the demon looked changed, like a theropod dinosaur.

However, the increased size also brought with it immunity to the assembled JSDF forces. As they learned to reduce the amount of oxygen on the cells of the hard carapace that protected them. Instead of facing hundreds of the creatures, the nation of Japan bared witness to but a dozen of giants.

Smashing through the defense line, sending blossoming clouds of death into the air, Destroyers clawed. Anything that was not in reach of its grasping claws was forced to die a horrible death at the ends of its Oxygen-Degrading-Compound spray.

Meanwhile Akihiko Hirata saw how his weapon managed to evolve into a living creature and decided to capture one to the micro-forms to study it. But made terrible mistake as he recklessly approached the little monsters and the swarm on him and consumed his body.

At Victoria Harbor HEAT was calling Godzilla over and over again. But the only ones to respond were Komodosaurus, Long and Sonic Raydon. As the monsters enter the city more and more Destroyers were appearing and enter battle with HEAT’s monsters.

With Godzilla nowhere to be seen, it was hoped that by bringing his monster family to Hong Kong, the King of the Monsters would appear to do battle the Destroyers

Before Godzilla can arrive, though, Komodosaurus, Long and Sonic Raydon are forced to do battle with the Destroyers on their own. Fighting off the ancient evil, Komi suffers a severe blow to her chest before she blasts the creature her atomic breath at close range, sending the monster plummeting into a nearby factory where it was engulfed in flames.

“Yee-ha, way to go Bridezilla”-screamed Randy cheering at Komi.

Long stares with amazement as the Juvenile Destroyer slammed their masses together and lost in a haze of blistering power, a monster rose as the Aggregate Destroyers, the monsters takes to the air jumping and with such speed that he is upon Long before he can react. Two behemoths plummet towards the ground in a tangle of teeth and claws, both snarling and shrieking as they fall. They hit with such tremendous force that enormous fissures open up, snaking away from the fallen monsters. Destroyer having landed on top, pins Long under him. Long struggles to get free, but Destroyer uses his long pincers to force him down.

“Hey pick on somebody your own size”-yelled Mendel at the monster who turned at him and the rest of HEAT.

“Kraven, next time stay quite”-said Randy with deep angry voice at the man next to him.

Destroyer clamps his vicious jaws on Long's left shoulder, biting down hard. Long screams out in pain as Destroyer’s teeth puncture his shoulder muscles and reach the bone, causing a small torrent of blood to emerge from the bite wound and into Destroyer’s mouth. Enraged, Long manages to summoned all of his strength and wrestle his right arm free and drive it into Destroyer’s left eye then twists the tip and drills it in further, causing a grisly spray of blood to erupt from Destroyer’s eye socket. Hurt, Long retries to the water.

While Komi was fighting off smaller monsters, Destroyer used the time to regain some of his energy, and joined into his flying form. Now noticing that Komi was distracted, he flew up towards her, murder burning in his eyes.

Destroyer flaps his wings and charges Komi, who is distracted. Raydon stepped in and crashed into the flying form to save Komi, and then the battle in the air issued as Raydon was almost tip down by a hit of the Oxygen-Degrading-Compound on his wing membrane.

Raydon flew hundreds of feet above the abandoned streets, using the skyscrapers as cover. But Destroyer returned fire.

“Nick there getting killed out there, they need Godzilla”-said Audrey as she squished Nicks Arm.

“I know, but I don’t know where he is”-said Nick looking concerned at his wife.

Raydon peaked around the corner of an office building, cautious, until the ground beneath him rumbled. Several Destroyer Aggregates burst out of the streets of Hong Kong. Raydon spotted them crawling out, spraying destructive liquids out of their mandibles. Komi thrashed around, trying to throw them off. But their sharp legs and claws helped keep them anchored to the flesh. Raydon opened his mouth, preparing to fire his primary weapon. Two Destoroyah Aggregates jumped onto him, pinning him to the street. Raydon groaned. It wouldn’t be long before the dragon-like creature was no more.

Komi clasped her claw around a Destroyer Aggregate’s skull and squeezed.

Raydon clamped his jaws around a Destroyer Aggregate’s leg. He yanked it off of his back and blew it to shreds with his oral weapon. Hurt, Komi and Raydon could not anything but retreat.

The Destroyers suffer enough damage, that they breakdown each into smaller forms, because they lacks rapid cellular reconstruction, in order to compensate for its injuries. Then the Destroyers returned.

In the depths of the Victoria Harbor, Godzilla sleeps. Taking time to control the large amount of nuclear energy he has to sleep more then normal. Godzilla's eyes open, and search the bottom of the deep trench; his mouth opens expelling a cloud of air bubbles. A loud shrill roar escapes his mouth and he swims up to the surface of the Harbor. His spines reach the surface coming up next to a naval ship, and gilding through the water like a knife as he makes his way towards Hong Kong.

The waves break, and slide off to the side as Godzilla's jagged fins rip through the waters. The top of his face elevates above the clear water, his eyes stare straight ahead, looking at the city, knowing that he is nearing the one that keeps calling out to him to fight. Godzilla could hear Destroyer's loud roars, and the crackle of the fire as it burned through the city making him swim faster.

Godzilla had reached the mainland and has begun to tunnel under the surface, kicking up gray dust into the air. Destroyers continue its assault on Hong Kong, destroying the city.

“Warning, warning, huge heat source approaching”-Said NIGEL as he detected Godzilla, glowing with a fiery intensity and leaving a cloud of steam as he step out of the water.

“Something is happening”-The leader of HEAT said a few seconds before he grab his wife to step back.

“Warning, warning, huge heat source moving, systems failing, readings of the chart”- the robot Said as Godzilla, walked past them.

Realizing its Aggregated Form was not enough, the Destroyers evolved once again. Signaled by sheets of blinding light, the Flying Form took to the skies. Soaring over the harbor, the monster seemed to enjoy the sight of all the helpless humans below it. Raining its death-ridden breath, the creatures up and down sprayed the HEAT Seeker with a torrent of Oxygen-Degrading-Compound to feed on the destroyed oxygen. Feeding, and congesting the newly digested meals into raw energy.

Seeing the attack coming Nick order the team to jump to the water as the deadly liquid approached-“Hurry al jump”-they all reach the water in time to avoid the Oxygen-Degrading-Compound the completely destroyed the HEAT Seeker.

Nick hand signals the others to swim beneath the water where the Oxygen-Degrading-Compound can’t hurt them. So they swim under the Harbor.

Godzilla's saw this and believing that his family was dead his anger climbed to a new altitude. The King of the Monsters was totally out of control, his spines became enriched with atomic energy, flames seared out his jaws, destroying anything Godzilla deemed unworthy of existing. Buildings were slashed in half, by his wrath. Entire neighbourhoods had gone up in flames. Godzilla's wrath clouded the creature judgment. His rage was on the point of insanity. The idea of his family being harmed by such a creature beckoned for an eternal life of suffering. These creatures had taught him the meaning of hate.

Godzilla had reached a new level of power, by the radiation exposure to the reactor that had exploded when he destroyed the first wave of Micro-Destroyers, he became living nuclear reactor. That caused his spines to glow with a hellish light, turning into Heat-Zilla.

Heat-Zilla turned and gaze on his demented and sadistic enemies. Feeling the heat, more Aggregates joined into flying forms until they were at total of three. They all flew inside the abandoned Hong Kong Island, and Heat-Zilla pursues one of the flyers along the city.

Heat-Zilla sought to win, even if he had to sprinkle the Destroyers blood upon this tarnished metropolis. Metal melted, trees burned and glass shatter as they were caught inside the vicinity of his heat. As the creature tried to escape by going higher into the sky, Heat-Zilla attacked the Flying Destroyer, with a super enhanced atomic beam that ruptured the Destroyer body, consuming it in an aura of searing purgatory.

Meanwhile HEAT was able to get out of the water. Wet, but alive, although their only transport home was destroyed with Nigel along the way.

“Who’s not dead sound off”-said Nick.

“We’re Okay, the G-man looks like he’s burning or something and don’t he can control it”-said Randy very worried.

“If he doesn’t cool down he can either self-consumed in a torrent of flames or very well blow up with power of nuclear explosion”-Said Elsie.

“Nick what are we going to?”-asked Mendel.

“I’m not usually a man of faith but all we can do is wait for miracle”-he said as he held his wife closer.

Destroyer’s second flying form ascended to spray flying Oxygen-Degrading-Compound on Heat-Zilla’s skin, but the 200 degrees hot skin rendered the liquid useless; Heat-Zilla blasted a red spiral ray at the Destroyer, blasting the devil from the skies.

“Oh I don’t care where you come from that’s got to hurt”-Said Elsie as she and the team saw the creature plummeting on a factory.

Wounded, the hideous creature screeched as it called more of its kind to merge with him. With the thoughts of revenge in their collected consciousness, the sadistic life forms created one last form, the ultimate incarnation of wickedness. Heat-Zilla’s astonished eyes watched with awe as a towering god stood. Huge wings stretched out of the corners of its back. An amber colored horn stretched out of its forehead. A demonic jaw filled with needlelike teeth. Thorny claws pointed out of its hands and feet. A crimson carapace covered its thick body. Unknown to Heat-Zilla, the creature was the true harbinger of death. Its main purpose in life was to destroy it.

The Ultimate Destroyer. Its yellow eyes found Heat-Zilla. Neither titan understood the pretense of peace. All they knew was power and death. Nothing else mattered.

Monster King lost its last shred of sympathy that dwelled within its nuclear heart. With nothing left to live for, Heat-Zilla, charges at the Destroyer. Heat-Zilla attacked the giant Destroyer without remorse. Lava-like blood coursed through his veins.

Destructive fluids sprayed out of Destroyer’s maw. Heat-Zilla felt its sweltering essence on his flesh. Never before had he felt such pain!

This unholy creature shall pay for its transgressions. An Inferno-Atomic breath lashed out, harpooning Destroyer’s hide, shredding it. Destroyer hollered in protest, ignoring the pain. Heat-Zilla gaped at the green blood oozing out of his foe’s splintered flesh. Its putrid blood spurted out on the street.

It can bleed. That means it can die!

Destroyer’s horn sliced through Heat-Zilla in a repulsive display of pure cruelty, But Heat-Zilla soon sent the malicious monster spitting up more vital fluids with a direct punch in the stomach. Destroyer reverted into its lower forms, to regenerate and its final form returned.

Its tail flashed, and stabbed Heat-Zilla’s shoulder, leeching off its life force. In desperation, Heat-Zilla blasts the blade of the tail. In the light of this insult, the Destroyer grabs Heat-Zilla, and it’s flapped its wings, propelling it through the air. Heat-Zilla was soon dragged across the bay like a toy. Heat-Zilla discharged a reddish aura, flaying the Destroyer’s putrid hide. It was enough to break free.

The rest of the Destroyers, this time more than ever before, gather around Heat-Zilla. Aggregate Destroyers, attacked Heat-Zilla but are incinerated by the infuriated monster as his spines unleash a tremendous amount of heat while his atomic ray is being charged and blast the Flying form with his hellish atomic ray, making the burning body crash into the ground.

HEAT team watch in amazed as the monsters waged their war hoping that Godzilla would emerge victorious time to help him regain health before he dies inn nuclear explosion.

To keep the monsters at bay while he though of an exit, Heat-Zilla exert himself releasing an intense amount of heat which fed the surrounding little flames into blazing fires that spurt up. Some of the little juvenile Destroyers perished but most of them survived… for now.

Heat-Zilla was surrounded by all kinds and shapes of Destroyers, as they approached to kill by tearing him apart piece by piece. Heat-Zilla began controlling and manipulating his inner radiation to release it in a single blast. His spines still radiated with the atomic fury of Mankind's own insolence. An orb of atomic energy churned in the gaping jaws of Heat-Zilla. It allowed tendrils of radiation to escape in the region surrounding Heat-Zilla’s maw. Heat-Zilla’s spines flashed with a blinding aura that no human had ever been exposed to. It shinned brighter and brighter every second.

The time was now or never.

Throwing his head back, Godzilla unleashed an atomic blast as all of the Destroyers launched them selves at Heat-Zilla.

Heat-Zilla’s Red beam lanced into the Destroyers, igniting the gathering oxygen filled organisms with his blistering fury, setting off a chain reaction.

The King of the Monsters roared as he was engulfed by the explosion.

Heat-Zilla and the Destroyers disappeared in a blinding explosion. The destructive explosion levelled nearby buildings, and extended its radius instantly. Light of explosion glinted off the eyes. Shockwaves generated by the explosion shredded the district.

The giant explosion soon became smoke and silent was all that anyone could hear.

Suddenly Heat-Zilla emerges from the explosion’s smoke with no apparent damage. Recovering his form as a normal Godzilla, he roars out in victory as it heads towards the bay tired and weary, steam rises from the beast's hide as it turns and steps into the cool water and faints out. The King of the Monsters' skin was able to deter the blistering heat, due to the fact that the creature’s own mutation was enhanced by its more resistant heated skin. As they have seen today Godzilla is the most powerful monster that has every walked the face of the earth.

"It looks like Godzilla has once again saved mankind”-says Randy standing up looking at Godzilla half submerges in the water.

“It seems that even in the most difficult times Godzilla still found someway to win”-said Mendel still shocked at the power that Godzilla just displayed.

With Hong Kong almost destroyed, but with only a hand-full civilians casualties, the city returns to reconstruct the metropolis.

Three days later, radiation levels begin to drop, and Godzilla has awakened. Weak, but alive.

“Audrey… are you OK?”-asked Nick as he approached her.

“I’m sad because my story will not be and for the moment, I’m still jobless… Well Godzilla is alive and the world is safe, and that’s what matters”-she said in tears.

“Don’t worry, there is always another day, and another mutant”-says as he holds her close and kisses her.

A few seconds later they were approached Chief Executive and the Council, who were hoping to have an explanation and what just happened.

“Where to begin? A scientist named Dr. Akihiko Hirata wanted to use his Oxygen-Degrading-Compound as weapon, but it seemed that a leakage in the containment unit made it to outside and give birth to one of the most powerful and sadistic monsters. Godzilla just destroyed the monsters and saved the people from certain death”-Said Nick with a sure tone of voice.

“And where is this Dr. Akihiko Hirata”-Asked the Chief Executive.

“From what I heard all they found of him were the parts they didn’t like”-said Nick

Nick returned to Godzilla’s side as the radiation immediately began to decline. His breathing began to stabilize but he was still unable to get up and unable to move. It took some time for him to regain all his faculties and overcame the effects of his last attack of biblical proportions. Once Nick was confident that Godzilla would make a full recovery order that some fish was put next to him so that he could eat and fully recover for the journey back home.

“So it ends the nightmare of the Destroyers thanks to Godzilla’s power.”-Elsie said.

“I sure hope so; I am getting tired of felling like a pest exterminator dealing with all these giant creepy crawlers lately.”-Mendel said.

“As long as there are people in the world that place profit over the environment and war creatures like the Destroyers are bound to be created either purposely or by accident.”-Nick commented.

As the team was getting ready to leave Komodosaurus, Long and Raydon returned to check on Godzilla. As the king of monster rose from his greatest battle so far he looked as is he had been brawled by hundreds of monsters at the same time.

In Godzilla’s eye a small fire-like glow flashed, the power of Heat-Zilla is to returned, anytime now on a moment’s notice.
This chapter has many tributes to one of Godzilla’s best movies off all time Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1995) . In here the creator of the Oxygen-Degrading-Compound Akihiko Hirata (named after the actor that played Dr. Daisuke Serizawa, creator the Oxygen Destroyer) wished to use the weapon to make profit contrasting the benevolent Dr. Daisuke Serizawa who decided he must hide the monstrous weapon form the world.

In here Godzilla also goes into a super heated form that will explode eventually, although no exact temperature for such event was given. Unlike the movie Godzilla’s rage was not trigger the actual death of a member of his family, but because he believed that Nick and Audrey were killed by the Destroyers, also here Godzilla was able to exact his revenge and transform back to his normal self, instead of being robbed of his revenge by the military and die in a meltdown.

The Destroyers are an obvious tribute to the powerful and sadistic kaiju the King of the Monsters has ever faced, Destroyah in its origins based on an oxygen-destroying weapon and it ability to obtain many forms and the aspect of these. The fights between the military and Godzilla with the Destroyers were made to be like most of the fights of the movie, making the blood splatter.

This possibly one of the best episodes that I have ever written

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KingGhidra78's avatar

“From what I heard all they found of him were the parts they didn’t like”-said Nick. Love the Lost World: Jurassic Park reference.